Sunday, March 22, 2015

Meet Your Neighbor - Bowie McPet

Who are you and what do you do?

My Full name is Bowie Girl Dawg McPet, I mostly sit around and play all day.  Sleeping, eating and walks.

What do you love about San Leandro?

I just love the hills, the creeks and things to climb and get wet in.  Pond, lakes, I just like to swim.

What type of dog are you Bowie?

I am an Australian Shepherd

Is that an Australian dog?

No, I have nothing to do with Australia. I'm an American breed.

What is your favorite walk?

This one, we usually walk to this huge tree which has fallen down and chopped into pieces, we call it big log.  We also walk to the lake.

How old are you Bowie?

I am 5 human years old. In dog years that's about 33.

Do you like to bark at the postman

Yes, I also rip up my human's mail. The junk mail mostly.  I don't like anything that comes through the slot.

When you hear the mail trucks can you tell the difference between FedEx, UPS and the US Mail?

Of course I can... I'm a dog!

I hear you have a Facebook  page?

I have a page attached to my human, the pictures are of our walks, pictures of me swimming, before and after grooming, and pictures of me making friends with other dogs.

Any words of wisdom or closing remarks?

Well my human does not dress me in clothes, for that I am thankful.  I sometimes wear a bandanna, I have lots of different styles depending on the season.  At Halloween I get a pumpkin one.

Do you like Halloween?

Oh course I do, I get to see all the kids dressed up, some of them are scary.

Do you steal their candy?

Maybe... Thanksgiving is also a great holiday, I get to steal my human's food.

I have heard you are a little bit of a food snatcher.  I hear your humans had a party and you stole the cheese

Yeah, cheese cubes, I got into them twice (looking proud).

I want to say one more thing, I am honored to be part of This is San Leandro

Thank you Bowie, that's very sweet.

Your welcome... ruff!

Bowie looks after 4 humans, loves getting groomed at Classy Canine in Castro Valley, has a Facebook page and business cards to give her new friends.

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