Monday, February 23, 2015

Meet Your Neighbor - Terry Martinez

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Terry Martinez with Village Properties, I am a Realtor and co-owner of the San Leandro office.

What do you love about San Leandro?

I love the urban suburban feel, I love that its multicultural.  We have resources all within 30 minutes of us, we have 3 international airports, we have two BART stations, we are commutable to San Francisco and San Jose, but you also know your neighbors, you're out on your street and seeing your neighbors.

You are very much involved in the community, we met because we live on the same street and have even done a street party together

I want my neighborhood to be somewhere where people want to be, I want my kids to feel safe I have a houseful of kids. I want them to feel that other people are looking out for them. One of the things we have kind of lost is the sense that we are looking out for one another and for one another's families.  In other communities you open your garage door, drive into your garage, you close your garage door and you don't even know who is in your neighborhood.  I want my kids to know if they are four blocks over from us and they are misbehaving that someone is going to give me a call and say I saw your kid doing something stupid, I want to know that other parents think the same thing. We are all working together to raise this generation.

You are also involved with donations to schools, whenever I go to an auction there is always something provided by you, sponsoring wine of whatever.  Tell me about that?

Couple of things, its good marketing, it's also my way to give back to the community  that I benefit from.  I am really intentional, my work tag line is "Your neighbor and Realtor". I work in my neighborhood and community, I do work outside of here, but here is where I feel I really make a difference and have credibility. Doing things with the schools, it keeps me connected things that I may not always be directly involved with anymore because by kids are out of that school.  For Assumption, my kids didn't go there but a lot of my friends kids go there and through neighborhood sports our kids were intertwined .  I just want to know enough about my community to be able to sell my community.

In your office  window you have a community section, it's not the houses that are on top, it's the community section. 

Is that a good thing or not (laughs)

It's a good thing, I get a vibe\feel from you that you love San Leandro and the community.

Don't point that out to my broker that the house are on the second row (laughs).  My community is really important to me, I grew up in San Francisco, by husband grew up in Oakland. We didn't have that same small town neighborhood feel that we have here.

When I started This is San Leandro you were one of the first people to reach out to me and say "Hey, I love this idea" and to get involved, why?

A couple of things, I had just launched my personal website, seeing other people doing stuff that was a little similar was exciting to me.  Also I am on Nextdoor, I get so tired of everybody's rant posts. I wanted something to point my friends and clients to, something that is the real heart of San Leandro.  I don't want to hear about lost dogs and broken into cars all the time and have that be the only thing we are talking about.  I loved what you were doing as it was only the good stuff.

I appreciate that.  Any final quote or words of wisdom?

I am not that brilliant, I'm really not (laughs)

I think you are, when we did the block party I brought the movie screen you did everything else. You dealt with permits, blocking the street off, the decorations and the BBQ.

Thank you Terry

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