Monday, February 16, 2015

Meet your Neighbor - Susan McCue

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Susan McCue and I work as an office manager for a medical office and do a lot of volunteer work for my kid's school.

What do you love about San Leandro?

I love the community in San Leandro, you will almost always run into someone you know somewhere, which is nice.

You run or have been in involved in the Assumption school auction for how many years now?

For the Auction I chaired or co-chaired for four years, took 2 years off and am now co-chairing it again for a 5th year.

You love it?

I do love it, mostly (smiles)

You are the serial volunteer, you have also organized the Fall festival?

Yes, I love the fall festival.  It's actually something that I didn't think I would ever want to do, because its a multi-day event, but I found that it really brings just pure joy.  Of the volunteer things I do, I think that's my favorite.

That's not just an Assumption thing?

It's for the whole community, everyone is welcome.  It's a place where you feel safe, the kids feel safe, they enjoy themselves.  It's a great community event for Assumption, for all of San Leandro.

I hear you have a big day coming up tomorrow, with the CYO volleyball?

Yes. I am the assistant coach for the girls 8th grade team F Assumption team.  We are going to the championship for the dioceses tomorrow night.  It's really exciting!  These girls have played together  since 4th grade and it has been amazing to watch them grow and come into their own.  They have worked so hard, they have earned this.

It's not just Assumption families for CYO?

The great thing about CYO is its open to the community, you do have to live within the Parish boundaries.  Whatever parish boundaries you live in you can join their CYO program.  Whether it be Assumption or  St Leanders or St Felitias, OLG.  That is how it is in the Metro league.  It makes it more fun, these kids get to know other kids. Our team is made up of Assumption and Bancroft kids.

CYO sport is partially subsidized?

Part by the Assumption Dads Club, we try to keep our rates as low as possible.  Other areas have to charge a lot more, but we are able to keep the CYO rates lower. Which is nice.  There is basketball, volleyball,  track, cross country and Girls softball .

After you have survived the big game on Tuesday, the next thing is the Auction.  What's the theme this year and where is it?

So the Assumption auction is "Bubbles and Bling" and it is going to be held on February 28th at Scott's Seafood in Jack London Square.  All are welcome, it's also a community event.  You can register on the Assumption School website and it's a fun event.  We are raising money for the general fund and also technology in the classrooms, anything above what we have to earn will go towards technology in the classroom. Our MC again this year is Brian Copeland.

Any final parting words? Any words of wisdom?

Learn to say no (laughs), just kidding. I have learnt to say no and truly try and only do things that I feel passionately about.

You do so much for the Assumption school and the community.  As a community we thank you for everything you do.  

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