Sunday, August 2, 2015

Meet Your Neighbor - Angele Sweet

Who are you are what do you do?

My name is Angele Sweet and I am a part-owner of a landscaping business here in San Leandro called Friend + Sweet and I design and maintain landscapes.  I love my job!

Excellent, excellent!  What do you love about San Leandro?

Oh gosh there are so many things to love about San Leandro!  I grew up in San Leandro so I love the hometown atmosphere.  People are friendly here.  You rarely meet somebody who doesn’t want to get to know you in some way, so I like that.  I like that neighbors care about each other.  I like all the volunteerism.  I like that people always want San Leandro to be better.  I love that people are always saying, “if only we could add this or that, it would be even better here.”  So the community, the great people are here, but I don’t think all the businesses and restaurants, and that kind of stuff is there yet.  And that’s what I am really interested in working on.

Right.  Cool.  So I know that you involved in with the San Leandro Downtown Association.  Can you tell us a little bit about that and the big event that you have coming up shortly.

Yes! The San Leandro Downtown Association is a group of wonderful people who work really hard to produce fun events in Downtown San Leandro.  So we do Sausage & Suds, It’s a Wonderful Night, Bike SL.  It’s just a great group of small business owners, community people, people who are involved in non-profits, businesses, and we all come together to make fun things happen in downtown.

What is the date for the Sausage & Suds event?

October 4, 2015.  It’s always the first Sunday of October.


Yes, and that’s going to be a fun event.  Lately we have really been trying to focus on what is local and great about San Leandro.  So the last couple of years we’ve had Drake’s Brewery have a special station at Sausage & Suds.  Last year it was Drake’s and 21st Amendment.  They will both be there again this year.  We also hope to have our small boutique beer maker Cleophus Quealy there as well.  So we like to give the local a little bit of special attention because that is what makes San Leandro great!

And with the three breweries that we have, it feels like the vibe is changing.

Absolutely!  And we want to, with Sausage & Suds, we really want the people to come out and TASTE.  So, you know, I think sometimes people think, oh you’re just drinking beer and sitting in the sun, but we really want people to come out and taste our local products, and taste other breweries from all over the country, and taste that too, and see what’s special about what we have here.  So you know, there will be some big name brands but there are also a lot of small town breweries.  And I think that is what is cool, and I think that gets lost sometimes, in that there really is a celebration of uniqueness.

And you are also involved with the Community Benefit District.  Can you explain what that is and what you do.

Yeah.  So just fairly recently a Community Benefit District was set up in Downtown San Leandro called the San Leandro Improvement Association, aka SLIA.  I’m on the board of directors as well as the secretary.  The property owners in a prescribed district area are assessed a tax and it’s for cleanliness, beauty, safety and all of those good things.  The Community Business District is focused on the nuts and bolts.  So the guys that you see up and down the street sweeping the gutters and the sidewalks, they are paid through the Community Business District.  We are also going to be adding plants to all of the planters.  We will have enhanced security.  We will be supporting the San Leandro Downtown Association with their events.  We have really big plans!  It is very exciting!  We have a small budget but it’s nice to have a little bit of money, you know, to do these things.  So, it’s great.  Yeah!

So, going back to your business, since we are in this drought, how is that affecting your business?  Do you see some people trying to get rid of their lawns?

Oh! Absolutely! It’s amazing.  When I first started this business about ten or twelve years ago, I was really into drought tolerant plants, but then I learned pretty quickly that that’s what people didn’t want!  They didn’t want that, they wanted roses, hydrangeas.  I would always give them two plant palettes.  “Here is your regular water plant palette and here is your drought tolerant plant palette!  Isn’t this wonderful, the second one?”  And they would just look at me, like, “No, I don’t like that.”   And then about three years ago, all of a sudden people were calling me and saying, “I need a Bay-friendly, drought tolerant landscape.  I want to take out my lawn.”  And I was, like, shocked!  Because what I had studied in school ten years ago was finally coming around, because of the drought.  And I also think that the Bay-friendly model, too, you know, trying to use plants that fit within our climate, that don’t need as much water.  Plants that are Bay-friendly, use less pesticides, less herbicides, less water, less maintenance, that all fits into how I think things should be.  And so I am also a Bay-friendly certified designer and maintenance worker.  So it has changed my business a lot. Lawns are being ripped up all over the place and I’m designing new gardens which is, a complete different paradigm from the old landscape, where you have the green grass and you have a tree.  Now we are doing all kind of amazing things and it’s really colorful, more bees, more insects, less herbicides, more flowers.  I like this!  It’s less monoculture.

And is it, I’m sure it’s helping you since you are a very creative person, it just must be wonderful to be able to work with that.

Absolutely!  Yeah, it is, it’s great!  Because, you know, I’ve put in maybe two lawns.  But lawns are kind of boring and I don’t really care for lawns.  So it’s great to be able to put in a tree, ground cover, put in a little stone patio.  I like to create an environment so that when people come home, that they, their shoulders relax, they walk up to the front step and it smells good, there are pretty flowers, they see some insects.  I really want to create an environment that is beautiful… that is really important to me.  I think that we need more of it. 

If somebody wants to see what you do or contact you, if there a website or a FaceBook page?

Yes. .  I have a great partner.  His name is Emil Friend.  His last name is Friend and I’m Sweet so we just stuck with our last names for the business because it was just too cute!

Very cool!  Any final words of wisdom?

Well, there is one that is kind of a fun.  People, sweep your gutters and plant a tree!  The best way to make a property look better is to keep your gutters clean and plant a tree! It’s amazing, trees are beautiful and trash isn’t

Thank you so much! You are awesome, thank you!

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