Monday, June 15, 2015

Meet Your Neighbor - Jan Woycheshin

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Jan Woycheshin. Its pronounced like your wristwatch, "a" and then the sun. I do a lot of things, I am a small business owner, my Husband and I are partners in J & P Video Productions, we produce corporate event and training videos along with audio reinforcement, background music for receptions and parties. I also volunteer at the Chamber 2 days a week, I am also at the Chamber for event coordination. I am on the board of Friends of San Leandro creek. We organize creek cleanups and are stewards for the creek. I am on the San Leandro Senior Commission, I am the chair for that. I am on the board of directors for a nonprofit called the Acme Foundation out of Lake County, they provide monetary assistance for the elderly and disabled for their seriously ill dog and cats (Jan is also a Chamber Ambassador)

What do you love about San Leandro?

I love San Leandro because it is so centralized to everything, its 25 minutes from San Francisco, its 4 hours from the mountains. I love the weather. I love the people. It has a small town feels, but it's a big town. It's a good place to live, the weather is great and I like being involved in the community, it's a very community oriented city.

You have been involved in Coffee connection for a long time, tell us about that?

I took over coffee connection in 2005 when we were still at the Davis street location, there was only about 3 people in attendance, it was just coffee, we tried to get people to talk about their business. Especially for the small business owners.  I thought if you feed them, they will come, let's have an open house at the Chamber.  So that December we had what I thought would be just an open house, during the course of it the then CEO said "Let's get the meeting started". I had not planned on a meeting.  That is how I started out with Coffee Connection.  It grew, we out grew the conference room. For a while we had our meeting at the Englander, when the Englander couldn't accommodate us any more we started moving the venue around.

That works out better. Each month we have a speaker that can talk about their business, they must be a Chamber member and the venue must be a Chamber member . Changing the venue allows each venue to show off their place of business.

It seems a fairly relaxed networking event.

It's a networking opportunity for about 20 minutes, then the speaker gets about 25 minutes, then everyone gets a chance to introduce themselves. Coffee connections tend to be anywhere from 20 to 60 people depending on the venue and what is going on.

If someone wants to attend a coffee connection do they have to be a Chamber member?

No. The Chamber does not have a prospective membership or orientation meeting. I tell people that if they are interested in finding out what the Chamber is about, come to a coffee connection. You will get a taste of the people who are in the Chamber, you will find out what we do, you will find a mix of people. Each coffee connection is about an hour, sometime people hang out a little longer networking. A lot of people have connected through coffee connection, it's not always who you know, it's who other people know.

You recently received an award?

Last year I received the leadership award for district 3 from San Leandro City council for some of the things I have done

Any final Words of Wisdom?

Come to San Leandro, It's a growing city, a growing community. It's a wonderful place to live. I have lived here since 1975 and I have seen a lot of changes, and things are still changing and I don't see them stopping for a very long time. I think everyone who comes here will fit right in.

Jan, Thank you so much.

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