Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fun Friday in San Leandro - The Historic Bal Theatre

San Leandro has a single screen theatre which plays host to old movies, comedy and much more.  I caught up with Dan Dillman to hear more about this unique venue, the entertainment and upcoming events.

How long has the Bal Theatre been around?
Since 1945.  In 1945 Rene T. LaMarre and George Drummond purchased the land, the Theatre opened July 3rd 1946

How long have you had the theatre?
Some would say forever (laughs) since 2008

I have been here a few times to some of the movie screenings, it's really good to see older films.  We came here to see Indiana  Jones, and to see it on the big screen is a real treat. What other movies do you think you will have coming up this year?

We are definitely planning to do Mary Poppins this year, The Princess Bride was something we did a few years ago, it was a really big hit.  We are thinking of having a free movie night as well so that it is open to everyone, it's not just about the money.  We need to make money to survive but we want to have a free event and say come on down and enjoy the experience, and hopefully come back for another show.

It's a real treat to have a single screen theatre, so many could not compete with the multiplex and have closed.  Somehow the Bal survived

I agree with you, even in San Leandro there were 3 or 4 of them, there was the Delmar that was downtown, there was the State and of course the BAL and another one.  Back in the 40's San Leandro was rich with theatre, rich with entertainment they had a race track it was really big and as you know theaters even though it is a single screen and a single stage you got some live entertainment before a show whether it was comedy or magic or something of that nature... then you got the movie. Then the multiplex came, really all you got was the movie and no disrespect to it but it was not the same.

When you see a movie at a single screen everyone watches the same movie you leave that theatre with everyone have seeing the same movie, you do not get that with the multiplex.  Someone is coming out of a horror and coming out of a kids movie, it's very different, not a shared experience.

Something that I try to tell my family and friends, like during Christmas time all are rushing to get things for each other what I have been trying to say the last couple of years is how about we have an experience together, how about we create a memory that we all share that is a unified memory of coming to the theatre and watching a show, seeing some comedy  or some music together and making it more of an experience. That's what I try to do here.  Have it be an experience.  It's not just about the movie, it's not just about the other entertainment.  It's the whole collectiveness of being together and get away from our phones and our iPads and have this experience.

You don't just do the movie night, you have film festivals here.  Speak a little on that.

I have some great friends/volunteers, people who are really into the vintage stuff.  Sci-Fi Bob is a good friend of mine he come through with vintage clips, film clips and even brings is 16mm projectors and spins a few things that people have not seen since the 40's, the 30's, 20's,  whatever it is.  From the 70's 80's movie clips, cartoon clips, really interesting cool stuff.  We may do a drawing before a movie starts.  We read off a ticket and someone may win a DVD or a T-shirt

You have Lord Blood Rah here sometimes.

Lord Blood Rah, we have had Mr. Lobo

Mistress Misery

Absolutely, and of course Jon Stanley has been here a couple of times.  We have done some really cool Sci-Fi and Horror stuff.  We have done classic films, we have even done a silent film night, Laurel and Hardy,  3 Stooges Night was really cool so just a variety of different stuff and then live music, concerts.  We have had great R and B acts we have had a wide variety of stuff . Sometimes we are packed, sold out 2 shows 750 people sitting in here, 750 people wrapped around the building down to Bancroft waiting to get in.  Really special.  Warms my heart , gets me excited  that so many people (at times) are enjoying themselves.

Moving completely away from the movies you have the live entertainment aspect and the charity events that go on.

Every year we do the standup for Davis comedy which is amazing, I think every year we have done it we have raised over fifty thousand dollars in one night.  We have had George Lopez. Brian Copeland does a really fabulous job at hosting and even grabbing some of the other local comedians.  We have had headliner like George Lopez, Dana Carvey, Louie Anderson it's amazing.  It's amazing to see the diversity of the people that come into the theatre, all walks of life, It's really a great sample of San Leandro I mean you have every demographic, every age range and they are all here sitting together and laughing together and raising money for great non profits like Davis Street.

What's your plan for the year any special acts that you know are coming this year?

There are some great tribute artists out there.  We are working on bring more tributes.  The Fleetwood Masks, the Beatles guys, a Journey Tribute band are coming.  Working on getting a Johnny Cash tribute show.  More R and B, also country artists.  Some other comedians, we have had Eddie Griffin.  Doing more, having more events. We are a counter based theatre so something is not necessarily happing every night or every weekend but what we hope is that this year we will be able to do more.  Ideally we would like to get to 4 or 5 nights a week to where not just San Leandro residents but the whole East bay  knows that they can come to the Bal Theatre.  Whether it be for comedy, classic film or for a live concert, or even a conference.  We are planning to do this year a kids show something that is children centric kind of like a Sesame Street Live.  I have a children's character called Tommy the Turtle that I have developed from years ago with sing-a-long cds, fully costume character. Back when I was first doing Tommy in the late 80's early 90's there was also the Dangerous Dinos who were from Castro Valley, I have gotten with Dennis and talked about bringing it all togther .  Then there is Lori and RJ, they used to be on channel 2 and they were the intermission between cartoons on Saturday morning. They were a big hit for a long time.  More fundraisers, more of everything, that's the hope.  We need people to show up too.  There are times where there is a handful of people in the theatre, there are other times that it is packed to the gills and I can't tell you what the rhyme or reason is that some folks don't come to certain things and they come to others.

What's the best way for people to find out what's going on and to follow you? Social media or
your website

The website is first and foremost .  Joining our email list, weekly we send out an eblast that says what's coming.  So that would be top.  Then Facebook, I know there is instagram and twitter and the Bal Theatre has those.  I am in the 40 plus crowd and we seem to be on facebook more and as you know we don't have a full blown staff.  This is a family operation, a family union, we do a lot, we wear many hats.

Excellent! Dan I love this place, it really is one of the treasures of San Leandro, Thank You

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