Monday, May 4, 2015

Meet Your Neighbor - Teacher Dale (Dale Gregory)

I caught up with the wonderful teacher Dale at Bike SL

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Dale Gregory, but everybody know me as Teacher Dale. I am co-director of Broadmoor Parent Cooperative Preschool (Web | Facebook)

What do you love about San Leandro?

I love that San Leandro is a fairly good size city, but it feels a lot like a small town. As it's such a community oriented city you feel like you get to know your own community and its got that wonderful feeling of people being involved (in the city).

With Broadmoor being cooperative, you often see the Broadmoor parents that you have "Trained" in the community. Tell us a little about that?

(Laughs) The Nature of a co-op is you are heavy involved, I think gives people a lot of great volunteer experience, it gives them confidence to go out into their communities and get involved in their schools and community fund raising. I don't think it's anything we do, but we encourage them that modeling involvement to their children is great. Their children grow up feeling like giving back to the community is something important.

Having been at various schools in San Leandro there is always a Broadmoor Alumni Parent somewhere heavily  involved?

We are very proud to claim that our Mayor is a Broadmoor parent graduate, one of the people who started the largest fundraising for our schools SLED (San Leandro Education Foundation) was a Broadmoor parent, you were a Broadmoor parent.  They are all over, they are in PTA's, Dad's Clubs, City Council, on the school board, they are out there.  For me and my partner Colleen it is so exciting to see that.

If somebody wants to get their child into Broadmoor when do they need to start?

Every March we have an open house, so if you are new to Broadmoor , in other words you didn't have a sibling go through which would put you on a legacy list. You can come by and see us in action, pick up registration for the following year. Keep your eyes open, if it is something you are interested in come on in and put your name on the wait list. People move, change and in the beginning of the year space often opens up.

And there is Tot time?

Tot time is a wonderful program run through the San Leandro Adult School. That happens at Broadmoor on Mondays, It's a parent assist program where you bring your little one, your 18 month to just under 3 year old. You get your first experience but with the help of an adult.

It's the parent that is actually registered?

Yes, because we are run through an adult school program we consider out parents to be the students, we focus not just on the children, we focus on you (the parent), we want to give you all the tools you need to be a very savvy K through 12 and beyond parent.

You do a wonderful job.

Thank you, I am so blessed, my teaching partner feels blessed. We think we have the best job in the world.

Final quote or Words of Wisdom?

Parenting is the toughest job you will ever do because its letting go of something that you would give your life to protect.

Thank you so much, thanks for being part of the community and being you

Broadmoor PreSchool

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